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Simplified vs Traditional Chinese Characters

Alongside the many Chinese language dialects, there are also two sets of Chinese characters for written words. Singapore and mainland China use simplified Chinese characters while Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan use traditional. Simplified Simplified  characters…

Debit and Credit Card Usage in Asia

The financial ecosystem around the world has vastly changed over the years. Especially with today’s innovation that paved way for the rise of e-commerce industry, many countries continue to shift to cashless transactions. Financial institutions…

Top Business Schools in Asia

“Educations is our Passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepares for it today” – Malcolm X Asia is the largest and the most populous continent on Earth. And in terms…

The Best Budget Airlines In Asia

Asia is known for being home to some of the most notable budget airlines in the world. At a very low price, flyers can travel with low budgets all across the region. Whether you are…

Asian Online Job Search Portals

The Internet age has significantly simplified the task of finding a job. Almost every country has its own job websites or portals that provides hundreds of jobs for the locals people. Some of the most…

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Must have apps while visiting Asia

  Asia is one of the safest and friendliest region for travelling-both for business and for pleasure.  Getting around in new places can always be a bit tough so here are some great apps our…

Startup Ecosystem in Indonesia

Indonesia is a particularly noteworthy marketplace in Asia. As one of the most populous nations in the world, and an average age of 29 years old, Indonesia has tremendous opportunity for the development of profitable…

Mobile Payments in Asia

Singapore: DBS PayLah DBS PayLah enables users to instantly perform cash transactions using their smart phone devices and allows them to shop online and pay for goods and services at selected merchants. One can transfer…