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Asia’s Startup Neighborhoods

Many Asian countries are beginning to see the potential of having a vibrant and robust startup ecosystem. As countries vie with one another to become the next tech startup hub of the world, startup neighborhoods…

Lynx: Big Data Analysis in Asia

Lynx Analytics is a big data analytics consulting company that is based in Singapore. The company provides businesses with end-to-end data analytics solution and execution. Some of its services include graph analysis, insight generation, monetisation…

Best Travel Apps in Asia

Asia is an attractive destination for both business and leisure travellers alike, with over 260 million international tourist arrivals in 2015 alone. Here are some travel websites and mobile applications that could help you in…

Android vs. iOS Marketshare in Asia

In 2015, the Android and iOS operating systems overwhelmingly commanded the world’s smartphone market with a combined 97.5 percent market share. This compared to just six years ago when the two operating systems accounted for…

Ola vs Uber

In 2015, India overtook the United States to become the world’s second largest smartphone market, with 100 million smartphones shipped to the country within the year. India’s low smartphone penetration rate (currently below 30 percent)…