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5 things to know about Korean startup culture

1. Korea’s startup environment is unpredictable: people can be fascinated with one thing very quickly, then drop it just as quickly. Korea is a great test bed to pilot your program since its population is…

Korea startup overview

About three years ago, the South Korean government has began to take a keen interest in expanding and supporting the startup ecosystem in the country. According to sources within the government, they have looked towards…

Vietnam’s Startup Ecosystem

Vietnam currently has an emerging stage startup ecosystem. Through government initiatives, foreign investments, and a few local successes, Vietnamese entrepreneurs are starting to develop local startup communities The first wave of growth began in 2000…

Coc Coc : leading search engine in Vietnam

In May, 2013, Cốc Cốc launched its main products, a local Vietnamese web browser and search engine. Within a year, Cốc Cốc attracted its first 10 million users. Since then, Cốc Cốc’s monthly audience has…

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Simplified vs Traditional Chinese Characters

Alongside the many Chinese language dialects, there are also two sets of Chinese characters for written words. Singapore and mainland China use simplified Chinese characters while Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan use traditional. Simplified Simplified  characters…

Honestbee: concierge groceries

Honestbee is one of Asia’s leading online grocery concierge service for household and grocery needs. Operating in major cities in Asia, the service can deliver to your doorstep on the same day. Honestbee began operations…

Debit and Credit Card Usage in Asia

The financial ecosystem around the world has vastly changed over the years. Especially with today’s innovation that paved way for the rise of e-commerce industry, many countries continue to shift to cashless transactions. Financial institutions…

Online Grocery Stores in Malaysia

Unlike it’s neighbor to the south, Singapore, with its multiple options for online grocery shopping, Malaysia is not as lucky to have a deep-pocketed tech startup specifically dedicated to selling food online. Here is what’s…