Search Results for street

Co-Working Spaces in Vietnam

As Vietnam begins to build its startup infrastructure-co-working spaces have become a central component of that growth. Vietnamese youth often live with their parents until they get married so shared working spaces are especially important…

Top 10 Reasons to Move to Singapore

Where and What is Singapore? Singapore is a small Southeast Asian island lying right off the Malayan peninsula. While it only has 3.5 million citizens, it has an outsized role in the world due to…

Amazon Versus Lazada

  25 years ago it would have been difficult to imagine such a world. While certainly there was the impression that technology would move forward, few probably could have imagined the changes the internet would bring…

Go-Jek in Indonesia – Motorbike Taxi Booking App

What is GO-JEK? Go-Jek is a transportation company, duly established under a limited liability company named PT Go-Jek Indonesia which provides transportation services ranging from motorbike taxi fleet to courier service. The company was founded…

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What is a GoJek?

In many developing economies in Asia, a car is tremendous luxury that only the rich can afford. Instead there are an abundance of motorbikes which jam the streets. Most motorbikes belong to a family and…